Most individuals do not understand what money laundering is, what types of actions can lead to money laundering charges or the possible legal consequences. Often times individuals associate money laundering with complex criminal organizations moving large amounts of cash or associate it as something that only happens with money from selling drugs. In reality, money laundering charges can be the result of transactions for as little as $300 involving proceeds from any type of illegal activity.
Money laundering is the process of trying to conceal, disguise, hide, or process the proceeds generated from criminal activity to make the funds appear to be from a legitimate or legal source. Some examples of illegal activities that generate money illegally would be the sale of drugs, illegal gambling, bribery, illegal kickbacks, or theft.
Under Florida law, it is illegal for someone to engage in any financial transaction while knowing the money or property involved is the proceeds of some type of illegal activity. The individual does not need to know what specific illegal activity generated the proceeds or specifically where the money originated from, only that the money or property involved was the proceeds of some type of illegal activity.