You may wonder if you can still be arrested for possession of marijuana, even if you have your Florida medical marijuana identification card. The answer is yes. The following article will discuss and interpret the medical marijuana laws in Florida to guide you so you are aware of the limitations.
In 2017, the Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 8A, otherwise known as the Medical Use of Marijuana Act. Under Senate Bill 8A, residents of Florida may qualify for the use of medical marijuana if they have been diagnosed with a qualifying condition, such as cancer, PTSD, Epilepsy, etc., by a certified physician. Upon approval, the physician will send a recommendation to the Florida Department of Health’s Office of Medical Marijuana Use for you to be granted approval to use medical marijuana for treatment. If approved, you will set up a Medical Marijuana Use account, pay a small fee, and you will be added to the Medical Marijuana Use registry and issued a license. Only state-licensed Medical Marijuana Centers, also called dispensaries, are legally allowed to distribute marijuana.
Here lies the misunderstanding where people think it’s smooth sailing from here. In Florida, you are allowed to use medical marijuana if you comply with the following regulations: