I was just involved in an argument with my significant other. Things got out of control, and she is accusing me of hitting her. What can I expect to happen next? The term domestic violence encompasses many things, including any assault, battery, battery by strangulation, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking,…
Orlando Criminal Lawyer Blog
Will Florida’s New Medical Marijuana Law Allow a Person to Possess Marijuana If They Are Sick?
Voters in Florida recently passed an amendment to the Florida Constitution, known as the Florida Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, legalizing medical marijuana within the state. Medical marijuana is no different in substance from traditional marijuana, it is merely used for medicinal treatment purposes while under the care of a health…
Should I Let Police Search My Phone or Computer If Under Investigation for Cyberstalking?
No! No! No! The police may say to you if you let us just look atyour phone and download some information we will let you go. This is a lie – they want to gather evidence against you to arrest you. The police can lie to you to get evidence,…
Why Video Voyeurism is on the Rise
From 2004-2009 there were only two convictions for video voyeurism in Orange County, Florida; by 2014 the number raised to 10. Increased use of smartphones with photo and video capabilities as well as the commercial availability of small digital cameras attribute to the rise in numbers. Intentionally filming someone when…
Orange County’s Fingerprint Expert Made Mistakes….Now What?
A fingerprinting expert for the Orange County Sherriff’s Department has been under internal investigation since October 2016, even though the State Attorney’s Office of Orange and Osceola County are just now finding out about it. An 18-year veteran fingerprinting expert, Marco Palacio, was said to be “sloppy” when performing his…